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dc.contributor.authorKolyadko, Zh. V.-
dc.contributor.authorDavydovskaya, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorShepelevich, V. V.-
dc.descriptionKolyadko, Zh. V. Interaction of the narrow Gaussian beam with vortex beam cubic optically active photorefractive crystal / Zh. V. Kolyadko, V. V. Davydovskaya, V. V. Shepelevich // International Scientific Conference "Optics of crystals", Mozyr, Belarus, 23―26 September 2014 : proceedings / Ministry of Education of Belarus, Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, The Belarusian Physical Society, Rozhdestvensky Optical Society, Belarusian Chapter, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian State University, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, I. P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University, Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, Mozyr Regional Executive Committee. — Mozyr : I. P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University, 2014. — P. 109—110.ru
dc.description.abstractIn this work features of interaction of the narrow Gaussian beam with vortex beams of various signs of the topological charge in a cubic optically active photorefractive crystal BSO to which external electric field is applied are investigated.ru
dc.description.sponsorshipMinistry of Education of Belarus, The Optical Society (OSA), Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, Joint Stock Company Gomeltransneft Druzhba, I.P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University.ru
dc.publisherMozyr : I. P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical Universityru
dc.subjectKomp'yuternaya optikaru
dc.subjectPhotorefractive crystalru
dc.subjectInteraction of the narrow Gaussian beam with vortex beam cubic optically active photorefractive crystalru
dc.subjectOptical vorticesru
dc.titleInteraction of the narrow Gaussian beam with vortex beam cubic optically active photorefractive crystalru
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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